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Shaping the Future of Urban Environments: Highlights from NBSINFRA's Prague City Lab Visit

October 7th, 2024

A detailed overview of NBSINFRA's General Assembly in Prague: advancing resilient urban environments through innovative strategies and successful implementations

On September 9-10, the General Assembly of NBSINFRA took place in Prague, Czechia hosted by project partners UCEEB (Czech Technical University in Prague University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings), and ECOTEN. The first day was dedicated to presentations and discussion sessions among partners, where the latest updates and the upcoming steps were shared. It also included a tour of the UCEEB facilities to observe the implemented Nature-based Solutions. As Elisabete Teixeira—NBSINFRA coordinator- shares: "The work being done at Prague City Lab is proof of the potential of nature-based solutions to transform urban environments. By integrating green infrastructure, we are shaping a future where cities can withstand climate challenges while creating healthier and more enjoyable spaces for their communities."

On the second day, the consortium visited the NBS implemented at the Českobrodská school, guided by Ing. Jiří Tencar from NBSINFRA partner ECOTEN. The school has undergone renovation and revitalization, making it a prime example of a sustainable, smart, energy efficient and operational carbon-positive building that harmoniously blends technology with nature. It has already received several awards. Among the implemented NBS are a green roof and vertical greenery providing shade, as well as greywater from washbasins and showers used for flushing toilets, and rainwater used for watering greenery. The water well will supply both systems when needed. Jiří Tencar notes: "The implemented NBS interventions fulfill the goal of maximizing drinking water savings. However, the NBS are part of a broader set of interventions that ensure the overall sustainability of the school."

The Prague City Lab is one of five city labs across Europe set up by NBSINFRA to explore how cities can address various challenges and remain resilient. Each city lab focuses on examining how NBS can safeguard local infrastructure, preserve biodiversity, and restore ecosystems in the face of climate change challenges. Through Nature-based Solutions, Prague's goal is to enhance urban resilience against heavy rains, floods, and summer heatwaves while providing leisure spaces.

NBSINFRA continues to lead the way across Europe following the strategies developed in its five City Labs, shaping future environments to be sustainable, resilient and green.

Provided by iCube Programme

Citation: Shaping the Future of Urban Environments: Highlights from NBSINFRA's Prague City Lab Visit (2024, October 7) retrieved 7 October 2024 from
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